Creative Flow, Standing Desks, Caffeine, and a Douglas Adams Quote
January 19, 2017Another Website Award. We’re Pretty Good at This … Tell Everyone!
January 30, 2017Customer Service Marketing, Bath Bombs, More Hot Sauce and a Poop Emoji
Is it customer service marketing – or is customer service really the new marketing? This is what runs through my head as I sit in my bath tub and try to come up with the words for this post. Also bath bombs, if not made correctly, are gross, and candles while you bathe alone are sad, and a ton of work.
Anyway, I wrote a post a few weeks ago about YouTube advertising and a show called Hot Ones. You can check out the post for details. I ended up ordering some hot sauce from the company that sells the show’s hot sauce. The company is Heatonist. Bonus – they are located in Brooklyn, NY. Think local people, or at least stately!
So I fill out the order form on their site. In the comments section before submitting my order I type – SEND ME FREE SHIT! like I always do on any site I order from, cause I’m insanely annoying.
Fast forward to Monday morning, I roll into work late and half asleep just like any other Monday, but wait, what’s this? A package on my desk!! Yay!! I love packages. So I tear into the package and see my packing slip. Its laid out with thought. Logo, tag line on top. Papers are sized cool and don’t have the feel of a cheap packing slip. My shipping address and order info is below, using a font that mimics an old typewriter that some little hipster probably took hours to pick.
Below all this is the following hand-written note in red ink, complete with a drawing of the little poop emoji we have all come to know and love.
“Thanks for the order Andrew! No (little drawing of poop emoji) here, only good shit. We do have sample packs… in full sizes. So… packs. Anyway, You’re gonna dig both of these. Toss the bravado on your next taco and thank me later.
Stay Spicy,
Krysty @ Heatonist “
Boom! I’m excited. Not only has my hot sauce arrived but some cool chick took the time to hand write me a message on my slip. And she used the word DIG so she has to be cool. She’s probably super hot and I bet she would really like me. Like, we could hang out and eat hot foods and things. She would think I’m the coolest. I’m like famous now because of this blog so she has to be a fan right?
Don’t be stupid, no one reads this. I don’t even think people at Momentum read this. Actually I know they don’t. Why would they let me write this garbage.
So what’s the deal? It has to be that fantastic movement I have been seeing over and over the last few years. It’s when smaller companies go waaaaay out of their way to make you feel special and treat you like the superstar you are (or I am). I’m a superstar. Write that down.
It’s great supportive marketing… adding customer service marketing to your regular marketing, that is. Let the client know how much you love their business by making them feel important. Adding the hand-written part reminds me that it’s not an automated response. This person actually took time and wrote a creative response to my nonsense. I love it. This has to be the work of a marketer, right?
To thank them I jumped on their site and placed a repeat order the same day. I want some hot sauce for home and office. Yes, I’m insane. Hmmm… maybe I should order some hot sauce for my car?
So who was this girl with the crazy name? Krysty… my Google fu felt strong that day, so off I went. I found her on Twitter first. Full on stalk mode. Krysty Pringle is her name and she is one punch away from a free deviled egg from that cool new deviled egg place. Ok, off to LinkedIn. Boom! She works in marketing. There it is. Fantastic. I knew it. I win!
I can’t say enough about this trend. I love it and I’m not sure if it’s some sort of magic spell or what, but any company that goes out of their way like this always seems to have great products too. One thing’s for sure. They hired the right person for customer service marketing.