Spec Work – Free Marketing!
December 16, 2016Restaurant Marketing, Avocado Toast, Buffalo NY, Savages and Cop Who Won’t Let Us Double Park
Yes, it’s been a while since I last posted. I know all of you have been wandering around not knowing what to do with yourself since my last post. Is there anyone reading this? It’s gonna be about restaurant marketing I swear. You can all relax, I am alive and well!
April was my birthday month so I took the month off and ate peanut M&Ms in bed. Yes, for the whole month. Well actually that’s a lie. I ate a ton of other stuff too, fish tacos, avocado toast… er-mah-gerd avocado toast. For real, the best damn avocado toast on the planet was had by me in Buffalo – see the pic. Ok, so I lied. I didn’t just stay in bed. I was in Buffalo and grabbing some breakfast. I walk in to Perks Cafe with my foodie side kick and daughterand a team of savages. We end up having what I think, is the best breakfast I’ve ever had. Yes, with a few double espressos, which were good also.It’s funny how even when in an unfamiliar city, you can always tell by how a company markets itself whether it’s safe to enter. Don’t get me wrong, there are millions of amazing holes-in-the-wall that do no restaurant marketing, look like hell, but still shine. But when you’re on an adventure with one of your kids and a bunch of savages, you tend to double check how awful a food establishment could possibly be before entering.
What am I talking about now? How can I possibly twist this to relate to restaurant marketing? Well, there we were circling a building because a cop had come over and shooed us away for double parking. We were waiting for my sister to reappear from a pharmacy. All of us starving, I started to hit Yelp and Google for a nearby place to grab breakfast since my daughter was chewing on my arm. The first 15 or so results were all garbage fast food chains. Not something I’m into. I’d rather have a bad meal at a genuine place than a decent meal at a fast food place. Can you even have a decent meal at a fast food place?
Anyway, when I find a result I like, I hit the website and make sure it’s worthy of further investigation. First thing I look to see is if the site is responsive or if they even have one. Does it load on my phone correctly and look like some money was spent on it, or is it a site from 2013 that doesn’t load properly, has no quality images, or info? I make this decision in seconds. If you don’t care what your site looks like, or how you’re represented in your own marketing, then I can’t even imagine the food quality your serving, or what kind of people you have handling your food.
After a few sites – boom, I find Perks. Good site with images of the place and their food. I don’t even look at the menu… I’m in. We are hungry and the website was nice. Someone took the time to put this together for sure. This is a place I can trust. It’s real, they know that how they look is important, and I’m guessing they feel the same about service and quality.Directions from Google and our trusty driver get us curb side! There you have it. The best damn avocado toast ever, and maybe the best breakfast I have ever had.
This entire experience was only possible because they cared enough to make sure they not only marketed themselves – but did it with quality. Now you see my tie into restaurant marketing? Restaurant marketing, its like super important for restaurants and stuff. On a side note, everything all the savages had was also loved.
So that’s it. I’m back. I hope you all didn’t miss me too much. Oh, and did you catch the last blog post? It was a guest post from an intern who just finished her internship. She will be missed. Emma if your reading this, what’s with the De Niro thing? Am I too old to understand? I have no idea what the hell is going on in the first paragraph and yes, I realize I approved your post! Also Michelle, you see I finally spelled DAMN right. TWICE!